The 'T' in STEM: Shahin
During my childhood, I developed a keen fascination of the science of medicine through my father, who was a compassionate physician as well as an inspiration to me. I strived hard to succeed in school so that one day I could also help other people like he did.
I eventually reached my dream of becoming a physician after many rigorous, but rewarding years of study in college and medical school.
In my third year of medical training, I had an encounter that would undeniably help decide my career path. As I was caring for a patient with unusual seizures, the Radiologists utilized cerebral angiography to determine that she had a rare, but treatable blood vessel condition of her brain.
That experience opened my eyes to the wondrous technological world of Radiology, a high-definition window into the human body. At the same time, I also discovered that Radiologists are often the first people to help patients by diagnosing their diseases through imaging, a major technological component of medicine that started with X-rays more than a century ago. I soon concluded that Radiology was the field of medicine I would most enjoy.
After over 20 years of training and practice since my medical school days, I have found that the advances of Radiology are amongst the most exciting aspects of my profession. I am often awestruck by the Radiologists' ability to detect diseases in their earliest stages thanks to the remarkable new developments in the machines used in diagnostic imaging. For example, it is quite amazing that one can make a life-saving diagnosis by detecting a small lung cancer that measures a centimeter because of the high resolution that computed tomography (CT) now has.
Presently, I take great pleasure in serving our veterans by interpreting studies at the Tucson VA hospital. It has been a wonderful experience where I have been able to merge the wonders of Diagnostic technology with the intriguing aspects of the health sciences. I also have been passionate about teaching residents and medical students, taking advantage of the digital world of Radiology and hopefully inspiring them just like others did for me.
Shahin S. Amanat, M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology
Banner/UA UMC Tucson
Staff Radiologist
Resident and Medical Education Director
Southern Arizona VA Health Care System