THE 'S' IN STEM: Gabriel
Career Spotlight: Anesthesiologist

What do Anesthesiologists do? We are doctors that work mainly in the Operating Room. We are the ones that put in IVs before your surgery, and make sure everything is safe for you to have surgery. We keep you unconscious during surgery and make sure you're safe using medications to help blood pressure and heart rate. At the end of surgery we wake you up and make sure you're warm, and pain free. I work in the Intensive Care Unit as an ICU doctor as well, and I get to take care of our cardiac and neurosurgical patients as well as our trauma patients at Banner UMC. I always enjoyed anatomy and pharmacology, and very very sick patients - which is why I chose anesthesia. To become an ICU anesthesia doctor, I did four years of college, four years of medical school, one intern year, three residency years, and one year of fellowship. Even though it was a long road, I love my job and taking care of people both in the operating room and in the Intensive Care Units.